Title: Batman and Robin
Director: Joel Schumacher
Release Year: 1997
Plot Summary: Batman (George Clooney), Robin (Chris O'Donnell) and Batgirl (Alicia Silverstone -- back when she was still hot) team up to stop Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) from stealing diamonds for his ice suit. Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) plays a semi-ambiguous plant lady. Oh, and Alfred is sick with the same... ahh, hell... are you still reading this after "stealing diamonds for his suit"?
Thoughts: There's a reason why most successful trilogies stop at movie number three. Yes, I meant to type that. From the rediculous opening sequence which finds Batman and Robin clicking their heels together to have ice skate blades pop out of the bottom of their boots to play hockey against Mr. Freeze's thugs with a gigantic diamond (not kidding) to [later in the same sequence] SURFING on rocket doors six miles down to earth and then suffering no injuries whatsoever, we know we're in for a bad ride with this one.
Rightfully so, Hollywood was scared to release any more Batman movies for nearly a decade after this piece of crap came out. Although, I will say that there
is eye-candy a-plenty in this film in the form of Uma Thurman (who has gone on to bigger and better things), Alicia Silverstone, and a pre-geriatric George Clooney. The action sequences (although completely and utterly rediculous) are shot with care and craft.
The dialogue is awful. I mean INCREDIBLY bad... some of my favorite lines include "I hate to disappoint you, but my rubber lips are immune to your charms." And "You get the ice... I'll get the Ice-Man." And "I call this little number... Bane. Bane of humanity!" And anything that Mr. Freeze says. You know, I think that he could have done really well with a pun machine, because Schwarzenegger uses them all in this movie.
Clooney has been quoted as saying that he "played Batman gay" in this movie. I don't know about that, but I think it's safe to say that Schumacher directed this movie retarded.
Rating (0-10): IMDB has it right on the money with this one -- 3.5
Recommendations: If you like watching movies on drugs or while really drunk, you'll probably like this 'cause it's pretty. If you wanna shoot your television, you should watch it. If yow want to see batnipples, you should watch it.