Monday, January 09, 2006

Movie #123 - Rumor Has It...

Title: Rumor Has It...

Director: Rob Reiner

Release Year: 2005

Plot Summary: A woman learns that her family was the inspiration for the book and film "The Graduate" -- and that she just might be the offspring of the well-documented event.

Thoughts: I wasn't expecting much from this movie, and I ended up enjoying it well enough. I've always had a soft spot for Jennifer Aniston, and Mark Ruffalo and Kevin Costner were quite good as well. Overall, I think the "gimmick" of treating The Graduate as an actual event wasn't really enough to base an entire movie around.

Rating (0-10): 6.5

Recommendations: Wasn't bad. Not really worth watching more than once, but not bad.

Movie #122 - The Pianist

Title: The Pianist

Director: Roman Polanski

Release Year: 2002

Plot Summary: A Polish Jewish musician struggles to survive the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto of World War II.

Thoughts: It was alright. I was expecting great things from this film, from everything I'd heard about it, but I think I'm getting burnt out on WWII survivor movies, if not WWII movies in general. Maybe with another viewing I'll have more coherent things to say, but it just struck me as kind of a vanilla sort of experience.

Rating (0-10): 6

Recommendations: Dunno. Schindler's List was pretty definitive for me, and I don't think this one is a serious contender compared to that.