Monday, July 09, 2007

Movie #180 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Director: David Yates

Release Year: 2007

Plot Summary: With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts.

Thoughts: I'm a pretty big fan of the Potter movies, but if you had asked me in advance, I seriously doubt I would have pegged any of them for being one of the best films of the year.

Well, so much for foresight... ;)

First off, I really liked the atmosphere. It's not a light and fluffy story anymore, not like it was in the very beginning, and I feel like Phoenix kicked off with even more of a bang than Goblet, in terms of a more immediate and direct sense of danger to our protagonists. It's still a magical world, but it's turning a lot darker and more sinister, and I think David Yates does a very good job of establishing that sort of ambience without losing a sense of wonder about the whole thing.

Second off, new characters. Imelda Staunton quite easily steals the show as Dolores Umbridge, the most saccharine-sweet character you'll ever loathe with the entire core of your being. "Loony" Luna Lovegood and Tonks are both quirky and fun little additions, in their own ways, and both brought a smile to my face with each scene they popped up in. And Helena Bonham Carter is downright creepy (and hot!) as the insane Bellatrix Lestrange. Of course the returning cast members all turn in fantastic performances as well - my personal favorites in this particular film would probably be Mad-Eye Moody and a delightfully malicious Lucius Malfoy.

Thirdly, special effects. All's I can say is - the fight scene in the Ministry at the end of the movie had me, quite literally, on the edge of my seat. Just... wow.

And I can't in good conscience go without mentioning the music. This is the first Potter movie that I've actually decided to pick up the score. It's grand and sweeping and there are a couple of amazing parts - the scene at the beginning with Harry and the others riding their broomsticks through London comes especially to mind. It's quite epic.

So, I think it's safe to say that I liked this movie a whole lot.

Recommendations: Easily the best of the five so far. If you made it past the third movie, there's no way you won't enjoy this one. ;)


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