Movie #170 - Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Title: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Director: Gore Verbinski
Release Year: 2007
Plot Summary: Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, and make their final alliances for one last decisive battle.
Thoughts: Man, when they talk about "treachery and betrayal," they're not kidding in the slightest. Everyone ended up being double-crossed, then triple-crossed, then quadruple-crossed for good measure. Really it was more than a bit ridiculous - I don't think even a scorecard would have been enough to keep track.
I suppose it wasn't a terrible movie - there were a couple of good parts, like the journey to World's End, and Jack's madness in Davy Jones' Locker - but overall it just left me sort of lukewarm. The plot pretty much dissolved into a morass of "cool moments" in place of making any sense, and even the few hints of what I thought were going to be character development ended up falling to the wayside. Also, final battle? Much lamer than expected, in a "what the hell? that doesn't make any sense" sort of way.
I will freely admit that At World's End was a much better (or at least more satisfying) movie than Dead Man's Chest. That said, I wasn't terifically impressed.
Recommendations: ~shrug~ In the grand tradition of the Matrix movies, I think it's probably more satisfying to pretend they just stopped after the first one.
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