Movie #162 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Title: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Director: Shane Black
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: A petty thief posing as an actor is brought to Los Angeles for an unlikely audition and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation, along with his high school dream girl and a detective who's been training him for his upcoming role.
Thoughts: I admit I didn't really know what to think going in - I remember hearing that this movie was coming out, and I'm pretty sure I remember some people saying they liked it, but honestly it didn't make that big of an impression when it was in theatres.
That said, I think it's pretty sad that more people didn't get to see it, because Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is quite an enjoyable little flick. It's got this wonderful goofy frenetic energy throughout; it seems somewhat cliché to say it but there really is never a dull moment. Robert Downey Jr, Val Kilmer, and Michelle Monaghan all do excellent jobs with their characters and play extremely well off each other. As for the "murder mystery" - I wouldn't say it's one hundred percent unpredictable, but it's over-the-top without feeling forced, which just makes it fun.
Oh, always a plus for me: very very quotable: "No, my question. I get to go first. Why in pluperfect hell would you pee on the corpse?"
Recommendations: Good times all around. Not something you will die without seeing, I don't think, but I'd definitely recommend catching this one sooner or later. =)
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