Movie #157 - Charlotte's Web
Title: Charlotte's Web
Director: Gary Winick
Release Year: 2006
Plot Summary: A spider with a flair for promotion pledges to save a young pig from slaughter.
Thoughts: I think probably I would have enjoyed this movie a lot more if I didn't know the story by heart. As it was, it was very pretty, very sad and yet uplifting at the end, and I can see children loving it - but there wasn't anything new there to make it all that worthwhile. I found myself getting bored about halfway through, simply because there weren't any surprises forthcoming. Maybe that's my own fault, I don't know.
Recommendations: If you've got kids who don't know the story, it's definitely a cute little holiday film. If you've read the book a million times and seen the original animated movie, it's probably not worth paying to see this one.
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