Movie #153 - The Prestige
Title: The Prestige
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Year: 2006
Plot Summary: Rupert Angier and Alfred Borden are rival magicians. When Alfred performs the ultimate magic trick, Rupert tries desperately to find out the secret to the trick.
Thoughts: This is an amazing movie. That's really all there is to it. I've seen it three times, and I'll keep going to see it as long as I have friends who haven't seen it yet.
Acting - superb. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman were really amazing in their obsessions over each others' secrets, and the lengths they would go to acquire them. Michael Caine is always a pleasure, of course, and he lent sort of a moral center that neither of the "main" characters was able to supply. Scarlett Johanssen was nothing more than eye candy really, but then that was the point of her character... Oh, and can't forget David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. Crazy! In the best possible way.
As for story - I can't say anything. Just go in not knowing anything but the above plot summary, it's more than enough. In the vein of Memento, everything makes even more sense once you already know what's going on - but the first viewing is going to be unlike any of your subsequent viewings, and you don't want to spoil that. Trust me.
Recommendations: See it at least twice. Once you see it the first time, you'll understand why.
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