Movie #144 -- Kicking and Screaming
Title: Kicking and Screaming
Director: Jesse Dylan
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: Phil (Will Ferrell) takes over the coaching duties for his son's soccer team. Inevitably, that teams ends up pitted against Phil's father's team.
Thoughts: I don't know why this movie was such a 'disappointment' at the box office. It's actually quite pleasant and probably much funnier than you're going to give it credit for being.
Sure, the plot is nothing new and the story is VERY jumpy (sometimes to the point where you wonder "Wait... What the hell?") but it's not unbearable. Mike Ditka is surprisingly funny as, well, Mike Ditka.
The real winner here is not character development or plot, but the snappy dialogue. The 'juicebox' bit will have you laughing in a typical damnit-Will-Ferrell-is-funny kinda way. In fact, I think that this may be Will Ferrell's most engaging role to date.
Rating (0-10): 6.6 -- Worth renting, for sure.
Recommendations: I'd watch it again, just to pick up some funny movie quotes. Probably wouldn't buy it, though.
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