Movie #138 - Mission: Impossible III
Title: Mission: Impossible III
Director: JJ Abrams
Release Year: 2006
Plot Summary: IMF leader Ethan Hunt comes face to face with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer while trying to keep his identity secret in order to protect his girlfriend.
Thoughts: Apparently it's the new cool thing to despise Tom Cruise. Well, I dare anyone to say that I've ever been cool! Ha. Regardless, I didn't think M:I:III was half-bad for what it was. The plot was pretty cliché and not awfully interesting, but who goes to an action movie for the plot anyway?
In terms of performances, I thought Cruise, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Billy Crudup were top-notch all the way. Hoffman especially - he was the whole reason I even was interested in seeing the movie, and I can emphatically say that he did not disappoint as a villain. (Also kudos to Keri Russell for the short time she was on-screen.)
Recommendations: If you like Hoffman, you'll love him in this one. Other than that, it's just your typical mindless action movie. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
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