Movie #137 - American Dreamz
Title: American Dreamz
Director: Paul Weitz
Release Year: 2006
Plot Summary: Imagine a country where the President never reads the newspaper, where the government goes to war for all the wrong reasons, and more people vote for a pop idol than their next President.
Thoughts: First off - you have no idea how much it pains me to type that word with a "z." Ugh.
Anyway this one was amusing, but nothing to write home about. Almost all the characters fell pretty flat, though I did like Omer and his "uncles." All in all, I think my main problem was that the story was - hell, I'll say it, pretty damn stupid. I have never been even remotely interested in all these American Idol thingummies, and I might be assuming a lot here but it didn't actually seem like a "parody" so much as an accurate assessment of the whole debacle.
Poor Willem Dafoe. ~shakes head sadly~
Recommendations: Meh, you ain't missing anything.
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