Movie #131 - The Warriors
Title: The Warriors
Director: Walter Hill
Release Year: 1979
Plot Summary: A gang called The Warriors are framed for killing a gang leader trying to unite all the gangs in the area. With other gangs gunning for them they must get back to the home turf of Coney Island... Alive.
Thoughts: I really think I need to completely stop watching Director's Cuts before watching the original theatrical release. The Warriors seems like it would be a very good movie if it was tightened up - as is, it's just a good movie. ;)
I have to admit that the characters were pretty one-dimensional. Even the de facto leader, Swan, really didn't resonate with me at all. I really think the film is more about the journey, the battle, than it is about the individuals who made that journey - I just wish that I'd actually cared about the characters, too.
Two more points:
1) "Themed" gangs are very funny. Mimes with facepaint and baseball uniforms, running around beating the shit out of people with bats? Comedy gold, man.
2) The comic book framing didn't really work. Actually it worked about as poorly as it did in Ang Lee's Hulk.
Recommendations: This seems like one of those movies that's often talked about but seldom actually seen. I think it's worth seeing. But it's definitely a guy movie.
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