Movie #125 - Deconstructing Harry
Title: Deconstructing Harry
Director: Woody Allen
Release Year: 1997
Plot Summary: Suffering from writer's block and eagerly awaiting his writing award, Harry Block remembers events from his past and scenes from his best-selling books as characters, real and fictional, come back to haunt him.
Thoughts: Apparently I was caught up in Andrea's whirlwind Woody Allen movie streak, and I can't honestly say I was disappointed in my first experience with the guy. Harry was wicked as hell, and just as funny. Harry is a narcissistic bastard with a whole slew of problems and issues, and yet even as you see more and more how much of a prick he is, the more "likeable" he becomes. :)
Rating (0-10): 8.7
Recommendations: If all of Woody Allen's movies are this good, I guess he really is as much of a genius as the critics have been telling me. If it means anything, now I'm interested in seeing more of his work.
woody allen may be the most overrated writer/director ever (annie hall not withstanding). every movie he seems to do revolves around a manhattanite and his/her neurosis. and hollywood has been slurping him for years for it.
maybe i'm missing something.
That's always been my impression of him, but that was based on not watching anything he'd done. I ain't saying he's worth all the hype based on one film, but it was definitely a quality film, so he can't be quite as bad as I always assumed. ;)
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