Sunday, November 06, 2005

Movie #115 -- Jarhead

Title: Jarhead

Director: Sam Mendes

Release Year: 2005

Plot Summary: The Operation Desert Storm chronicles of a United States Marine.

Thoughts: the first thing that i thought of when i saw the opening scene was full metal jacket. i don't like full metal jacket. but sam mendes does something that most all of kubrick's movies lacked: an element of humanity. and that's what sets these films apart.

the story follows swofford, a u.s. marine from basic training through to the end of the first gulf war. jake gyllenhall (who's resume is just becoming more and more impressive with each passing film) is fantastic as swofford, even though his character is a bit hard to figure out from time to time. maybe that was his character: a young man on the verge of something, but never really quite sure what. peter sarsgaard is quite good as troy. and jamie foxx proved that his work in 2004 was not a fluke with a fantastic performance as staff sgt sykes.

come oscar time, this film will surely be nominated for a bevy of those little gold statues. it has oscar bait written all over it and that's not a bad thing. probably the best american war movie this decade.

Rating (0-10): 8.2

recommendations: if you like the deer hunter you'll probably like this movie. not for the squeamish or the young, though.


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Craig said...

Man, I'm really starting to like Sam Mendes a lot. He's three for three in my book, so far.

I definitely could have used a little bit less of Jake Gyllenhaal's ass, though. x(


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