Movie # 107 -- Miracle
Title: Miracle
Director: Gavin O'Connor
Release Year: 2004
Plot Summary: The trials and tribulations of the USA Olympic Hockey Team leading up to and including the 1980 Olympics.
Thoughts: I don't much like Kurt Russel, in general, except for 'Tombstone' and 'Breakdown'. Come on, he was in 'Big Trouble in Little China' for pete's sake. anyway, i don't find him to be much of an actor. But his portrayal of hockey coach Herb Brooks is surprisingly effective.
Sure, it's a Disney movie. But the thing is, even though Disney has already covered this ground 3 times with 'The Mighty Ducks' franchise, the story just feels good, feels fresh, feels alive. And why? Well, because this story actually happened. Don't believe me? Do yourself a favor and get ahold of a copy of the 1980
medal round game between the US and the USSR.
There was a very fine balance to be walked between schmaltz and quality filmmaking and director Gavin O'Connor (whose resume is otherwise spotty at best) walks that line with gusto. The rest of the relatively unknown cast does a fair job in as much as they are all immediately loveable and forgetable: much like most of the real men of the 1980 US Olympic hockey team.
Rating (0-10): 7.25
recommendations: A good "feel-good" movie. Not worth owning, but worth renting or watching on cable. Oh, and go dig up a copy of the real US-USSR game. You can thank me later for that.
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