Movie #106 - Serenity
Title: Serenity
Director: Joss Whedon
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: The feature-length adaptation of Joss Whedon's TV show "Firefly", set five hundred years in the future, aboard Serenity, a transport ship captained by Capt. Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds.
Thoughts: I am blown away. It was everything Firefly was, only about ten times more - and if you've seen Firefly, then you know exactly what I mean. Seriously, I can't even process this yet - mebbe I'll add more once I see it again.
Rating (0-10): 9.8
Recommendations: I don't care if you're a fan of the series or have never seen a single episode. You owe it to yourself to watch this movie. I'm not even remotely kidding.
Maybe I'll just give it a shot, then.
When should Amy and I go?? ARG!!
that's a pretty high rating, craigy. that's rareified air.
I don't give such ratings lightly, either.
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