Movie #103 - The Constant Gardener
Title: The Constant Gardener
Director: Fernando Mierelles
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: In a remote area of Northern Kenya, activist Tessa Quayle (Rachel Weisz) is found brutally murdered. Members of the British High Commission in Nairobi assume that Tessa's widower, their mild-mannered and unambitious colleague Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes), will leave the matter to them. They could not be more wrong.
Thoughts: Wow, every movie critic on the planet seems to love this movie, and I have no friggin' idea why. All I can say is, if you're looking for a thrilling and action-packed movie about a global pharmaceutical conspiracy, just keep waitin'. Rachel Weisz was the only reason I was even remotely tempted to go see the movie, and I have to say it wasn't particularly worth it.
It wasn't particularly bad, don't get me wrong. What it was is boring.
Rating (0-10): 2.5
Recommendations: Give this one a miss.
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