Movie #96 - The Island
Title: The Island
Director: Michael Bay
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: A man goes on the run after he discovers that he is actually a "harvested being", and is being kept along with others in a utopian facility.
Thoughts: The whole concept of "one guy figuring out that his reality is a lie" was a little too Matrix-y for my liking, in all honesty. Mildly entertaining, but really nothing to write home about.
Rating (0-10): 5
Recommendations: Eh, I can't really encourage anyone to watch it, but I wouldn't warn anyone away from it either. ~shrug~
but dude... scarlett johanson.
i'd give the movie a 6.5 on that alone and i haven't even seen it. yet.
Yes, that helps, but sadly it really doesn't increase the overall impression I had. Draw your own conclusions. :P
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