Movie #89 - The Fantastic Four
Title: The Fantastic Four
Director: Tim Story
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: "I've got a great idea! There's a solar flare coming that may or may not have created all life on earth with it's incredible energy! Let's go on up to the space station and watch! What could go wrong!? Woo!" --- Superhero craziness ensues.
Thoughts: Eh. It was a middle of the road film. Entertaining but lacking any emotional connection or true though in the plot. The only character that turned out good was the Human Torch. Other then that the acting was mediocre at best, and the plot was unimaginative.
Side notes:
1) "Apparently if space stations now have gravity!"
2) "We can duplicate the super energy wave on earth but we'll go into space instead because it's.... easier? Safer? Leads right into a lame superhero plot? I don't know."
3) "We should have tried to get Kevin Spacey and Scarlett Johansson but we were too lazy, so we settled for one person who could act"
Rating (0-10): 5
recommendations: Eh it was fun. If you paid for Alien vs. Predator then you won't mind paying for this too.
i want my $0.00 back. easily the worst movie that i have seen in the theatres in a loooong time.
except for the human torch. and the part where jessica alba is in her underwear.
rating: 3.5
Aw, c'mon guys, how could you not love Ol' Blue-Eyes? He might have looked like a big orange Ninja Turtle half the time, but I really thought Michael Chiklis did a good job with the Thing's self-loathing and general grumpiness. Also loved Johnny, of course.
Craig's rating: sometimes 5, sometimes 7.5, depends on my mood...
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