Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Movie #84 - Batman Begins

Title: Batman Begins

Director: Christopher Nolan

Release Year: 2005

Plot Summary: The story of how Bruce Wayne became what he was destined to be: Batman.

Thoughts: Apparently I'm one of the few people on the planet who was underwhelmed by this movie. After having thought about it, I think I can actually be specific about my complaints, though, which is a good thing...

First off, Christian Bale really didn't do much for me. I keep hearing people saying that he is "the bestest Batman evar OMG!!!!1!!one!" but I can't say I agree, though I'm hard-pressed to say why after only one viewing. Second, it just screamed "big Hollywood summer blockbuster" to me, what with the gratuitous explosions, random "trash a bunch of police cars" chase scene, uninteresting love interest, etc etc. Finally, the sound editing was crap in a lot of scenes - I noticed what I dubbed the Worst Echo-Effect Everâ„¢ at least three different times, and I often had trouble following dialogue through sound-effects.

All that said, there were definitely some shining points. Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, and even Cillian Murphy were spot-on, and I enjoyed them quite a bit. Also I was very fond of Batman's scare-tactic way of fighting; I've heard complaints that "you don't ever really get to see Batman fighting," but really I think that's sort of the whole point of Batman. ;)

Rating (0-10): 6.5

Recomendations: Eh. Everyone else liked it. I prefer the original.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger Omar McTrigger said...

this was easily as good as the first one. aside from the fact that katie holmes can't act her way out a paper bag and liam neeson looked lost in most every scene, it was fantastic.

i don't think that the fact that it's a big, loud summer blockbuster movie is in any way a bad thing. in fact, i think it's a terrific popcorn movie that just happens to be chock-full of fantastic actors and really sweet batmobile.

yeah... i'm going to buy this on the digital.

rating: 8.35

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Craig said...

Well, I think my key word was "gratuitous." Did we really need to watch that stupid chateau explode for five freaking minutes?

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Brazedowl said...

The premise was good but...

A) Metal (like that used in water main pipes?) reflects microwaves (hence little lightning bolts in the microwave when you put in foil) which would have made it next to impossible to cause all that water to do what it did.

B) Human beings are what? 75...76... percent water and we definately don't reflect microwaves. Everyone would have been cooked LONG before anything happened to the water mains. :-P

Drew Rating: 7.6


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