Movie #78 - Timeline
Title: Timeline
Director: Richard Donner
Release Year: 2003
Plot Summary: Archeologists are sent back in time on a rescue mission. That sums it up.
Thoughts: Of all the books turned movies I've seen (LOTR aside) this I think was very very well done. I can see why people didn't like it though. It followed the book too well, so the beginning feels a little rushed as they try to squeeze like 60 pages of book into 10min of movie. No good there. But otherwise I was very impressed. No exceptional loose ends, nothing exceptionally predictable, and no time-parodoxes. :)
Rating (0-10): 7.5
Recomendations: Worth renting and picking up for maybe $5.99. The book is, of course, worth picking up or borrowing from me.
there are a few movies that i flat out dislike. this is one of them. c'mon, kids... Paul Walker?!
i didn't read the book (because i didn't know there was one) and after seeing this movie, i doubt i ever will. i know... don't judge a book by it's movie... too late for that, i guess.
and if i want a movie about a guy going back in time and using science to help him kick ass, i'm watching Army of Darkness.
mctrigger rating = 4.3
Bah. It was just Jurassic Park with trebuchets instead of Triceratops.
Then again, I read the book first. Woe.
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