Movie #68 -- Team America: World Police
Title: Team America: World Police
Director: Trey Parker
Release Year: 2004
Plot Summary: Marionettes sing and dance and fight and swearing their way through the world in a manner that Jerry Bruckheimer would be proud of. Oh, yeah... and puppet sex.
Thoughts: What do you expect from the guys who are behind 'South Park', 'Orgazmo', and 'BASEketball'? If you answered puppets fighting and singing and doing all that other stuff that I mentioned, you'd be right.
But, believe it or not, this is a very cleverly crafted piece of political and social satire, although not particularly shrouded. The marionettes are crude and the special effects are terrible, but it's one of the funniest films of the past few years.
As I've mentioned before, it sends up big Hollywood productions like no other film I have ever seen and if it were done with real, live people, it would have "Jerry Bruckheimer" written all over it.
Oh, yeah... and it's got the song, "America (F*** Yeah!)". I dare you not to start singing it at the end of the movie.
Rating (0-10): 7.6
Recomendations: If you're a fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone, you'll probably enjoy this: I don't see you liking this otherwise. I liked it the first time I saw it and it's the kind of movie that will bear repeat viewings in the future.
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