Movie #62 -- Cast Away
Title: Cast Away
Director: Robert Zmeckis
Release Year: 2000
Plot Summary: Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) survives a horrific plane crash and is stranded on an island for years.
Thoughts: Everyone kept trying to tell me how wonderful Tom Hanks was in this movie and so I got around to seeing it about a year after everyone else already had. Well, Tom Hanks is quite good in this movie as Chuck Noland (get it... stranded... on a tiny speck of land... on almost NO LAND at all... crafty writers), a FedEx engineer whose life is run by time and by being on time. Ironically, he gets stuck on an island where time doesn't matter, except for the tides which become a major plot element, but I'll leave that alone for now.
Anyway, the most memorable character in this film is Wilson the Volleyball with no lines of dialogue. Strangely enough, his/her/it's mere presence on the screen is powerful enough to convey humor, anger, confusion, and loss. Helen Hunt turns in a par performance as Chuck's love interest.
Aside from a slightly ambiguous ending and it running a bit slow in places, this is a fine film. The plane crash scene is terribly memorable, powerful, frightening, and believeable to say the least. Certainly not Tom Hanks best work, but quite good nonetheless.
Rating (0-10): 7.6
Recomendations: If you liked the original version of 'The Flight of The Phoenix' you'll probably like this. 'Cast Away' is like a better version of 'The Blue Lagoon' sans Brooke Shields. It's worth picking up for $10.
I remember loving Wilson. :D
Other than that, I only saw it the once, and that was when it first came out. So I don't really remember enough to comment.
But yay for Wilson!
I did pick it up fo $10. It's a great movie. It's a credit to Tom Hanks that he can be the only person in the film (aside from a bloody vollyball) and it can still be absolutely amazing.
Rating: 8.5
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