Friday, April 29, 2005

Movie #56 - Schindler's List

Title: Schindler's List

Director: Steven Spielberg

Release Year: 1993

Plot Summary: The true story of Czech born Oskar Schindler, a businessman who tried to make his fortune during the Second World War by exploiting cheap Jewish labour, but ended up penniless having saved over 1000 Polish Jews from almost certain death during the holocaust.

Thoughts: "Powerful" only begins to describe this movie. Watching Oskar Schindler gradually transform from self-centered moneymonger to self-sacrificing benefactor is just amazing; all the more so because it is a true story. God, I must've cried at least four times throughout watching. Honestly, the only drawback I can think of is the length, and that's a very tiny drawback in hindsight (it felt longer watching it than it does remembering it).

Films like Schindler's List and Hotel Rwanda and suchlike should really be required viewing for everyone.

Rating (0-10): 9

Recomendations: Watch it, and see if it doesn't make you cry too. Make sure to set aside a lot of time to watch it all in one sitting, though.


At 7:08 PM, Blogger Omar McTrigger said...

I can watch this movie about once every two or three years. It's fantastic, to be sure, but it's also extremely heavy.

I, too, would rate it a 9.0.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Brazedowl said...

As soon as I'm not poor-ass I'm going to buy it, along with a zillion other movies. But until then I'll settle for unlimited rentals at BB.


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