Monday, April 18, 2005

Movie #48 - Tombstone

Title: Tombstone

Director: George P. Cosmatos

Release Year: 1993

Plot Summary: Generally the story of Wyatt Earp and the OK corall. Generally.

Thoughts: Word of the day? "No."

- Kurt Russell makes for an awsome Earp
- Val Kilmer makes for an awsome Doc
- umm... I think thats about it.

- They casted Bill Paxton. Arg!! He was amost as bad as he was in Aliens.
- The entire movie felt like we were supposed to know about the entire back history in Dodge and whatnot.
- The fucking stupid "romantic intrest" between random chick and Wyatt was unnessicary to the plot and really distracted from the film on the whole.
- Way too much cowboy lingo
- Reguardless of the historical accuracy (which was iffy to begin with) they should have killed Bill Paxton in the beginning or at least made him a "cowboy".

Rating (0-10): 2.5

Recomendations: None. Rent Wyatt Erp or watch the special the History Channel did.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Omar McTrigger said...

oh, boo to you, drew. (that was an unfortunate rhyme.) 'tombstone was a complete popcorn movie... i've seen it a few times now and it never fails to entertain.

val kilmer is fantastic in this movie and i'm disinclined to agree with you on the rest of the cast: sam elliott, powers boothe, charlton heston, hell... even jason priestly is good in this.

this is one of the most fun movies i've ever seen and i don't think that's a bad thing.

it's not as good as unforgiven, but it is definitely one of my Top Five Popcorn Movies and certainly my favorite western.

rating: 7.5

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Craig said...

I agree that it felt like half a story, and the silly "romance" was quite half-baked. From looking around, though, it doesn't seem it was as "historically inaccurate" as you think. But I'm no historian on the subject, I freely admit.


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