Movie #41 - This Is Spinal Tap
Title: This Is Spinal Tap
Director: Rob Reiner
Release Year: 1984
Plot Summary: Spinal Tap, the world's loudest band, is chronicled by hack documentarian Marty DeBergi on what proves to be a fateful tour.
Thoughts: I'd wanted to watch this movie for the longest time, so when I happened to see it was in at Blockbuster while looking for something else, I said "what the hell?" and snatched it up. I wasn't overwhelmed, but I definitely wasn't disappointed, either.
I think this film works because the band members just seem so earnest in their not-too-brightness. They seem like they could be a real band with real problems, that just happens to be so rock-dumb that you can't help but laugh at everything they say and do. That said, I think there are definitely a ton of hilarious scenes and eminently quotable lines, but it's uneven in this regard - when there's actually a "serious moment," it's just not as compelling. Fortunately, there's just enough funny to make it all worthwhile.
Rating (0-10): 7
Recomendations: Watch it, and see if you don't start quoting it. I'm not sure I'd buy it, though.
Actually, the cast commentary on the dvd is very, very funny. Harry Shearer, Michael McKean, and Christopher Guest do it in character. I'd highly recommend checking it out. And if anyone reading this has ever worked for a rock band will get chills from most of the scenes because they hit so close to home... the empty in-stores, the gigs gone terribly wrong, the promoters... I could go on and on.
I hope it'd be funny. I'd rate this a 6. I just expected so much more from it.*shrug*
I just expected so much more from it.
Well, yeah, me too. I'm glad I finally saw it, but I couldn't even work up the enthusiasm to pick it up for $10 at Meijer.
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