Movie #39 -- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Title: Etrernal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Director: Michel Gondry
Release Year: 2004
Plot Summary: Joel (Jim Carrey) wants to have Clementine (Oscar nominee Kate Winslet) erased from his memory... Doesn't he?
Thoughts: I saw this movie opening weekend with a few of out other fine reviewers on this here board and upon completion of viewing, I said "It was good... but not THAT good." That is, until I woke up the next morning and all I could think of the next day is "Would I erase somebody from my memory?"
The screenplay won an Oscar for best original screenplay at this year's ceremony, and rightfully so. This is Charlie Kauffman's (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, etc...) best script to date, and that's saying something. Jim Carrey was again not nominated for his fantastic work (this film being the strongest of his career by far) which is indeed a true shame.
Eternal Sunshine... is the only destined-to-be-classic movie that was released in 2004. Quirky in the extreme, witty dialogue, love and confusion (which one could argue is the same thing) abound.
This is about as close to perfect as films get.
Rating (0-10): 9.5
Recomendations: Buy this right now. For Charlie Kauffman fans and non-fans alike.
Eternal Sunshine.... *drool* Such a good movie. Decidedly in my top ten.
What an utterly fantastic film. Five stars out of five.
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