Movie #32 - Guess Who
Title: Guess Who
Director: Kevin Rodney Sullivan
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: A girl brings her white boyfriend home to meet the family. Dad doesn't like him. Hilarity ensues.
Thoughts: I was kinda leery about this one, not least because I'm terribly unfond of Ashton Kutcher. But I have to admit, I was chuckling or outright laughing throughout the whole film. And honestly, it's just eerie how much Bernie Mac's "father" character is like my own stepdad... =b
In short, this could have been like any other "boy meets girl's parents, dad doesn't like him" movie, but it managed to stay fresh and funny throughout. I fully endorse it.
Rating (0-10): 7.7
Recomendations: It's funny - go see it if you're in the mood for comedy.
I was wondering whether or not to rent it when it comes out on the digital. Now I know. :)
wasn't this a remake of 'guess who's coming to dinner'?
wasn't this a remake of 'guess who's coming to dinner'?
Yes, it is. I've not seen the original, however, so I'd be hard-pressed to say how they compare.
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