Movie #20 - Hostage
Title: Hostage
Director: Florent Emilio Siri
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: Jeff Talley, a former LAPD hostage negotiator, has moved himself away from his failed career outside of Los Angeles, and away from his wife and daughter. When a convenience store robbery goes wrong in his turf, the three perpetrators move in on an unsuspecting family. But the family's father has a secret which might compromise his kin, and one of the criminals is about to jump over the edge. Jeff Talley has to get everybody to survive the night......if he can.
Thoughts: Quite a bit better than I was expecting, honestly. It never got to the point where I sat there thinking "I know exactly what's going to happen next," which is a great thing in my book - especially when it could have turned out like any other hostage-taking movie out there. The very end was a little forced, I thought, but not too rough.
Bruce Willis... well, he was just Bruce Willis, nothing particularly new there. The real standout performance was Ben Foster as Mars, the calm, cool, and completely psychotic teenager. Actually he reminded me a lot of a younger Brad Dourif (you might remember him as Wormtongue...).
Rating (0-10): 7
Recomendations: A nice little action/suspense flick. Not the best movie currently out, but something to see if you've already watched Constantine.
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