Movie #13 - The Crow
Title: The Crow
Director: Alex Proyas
Release Year: 1994
Plot Summary: A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his finacee's murder.
Thoughts: I find it hard to put into words why this movie is so spectacular. It's about a love that extends beyond death, and it's about revenge. It's about rage, justified rage; and while I have a hard time condoning it, it hits me in just the right way. It feels right to see those bastards get what they deserve - no-one should destroy something that perfect and get away with it.
The writer of the original comic, James O'Barr, apparently wrote it after suffering the loss of his girlfriend to a drunk driver, and reading about a similarly senseless killing in Detroit. I think that's what makes the anger so real, even moreso in the comic than in the movie.
Eh, I'm rambling. As tragic as it is, it's a fabulous, fabulous movie.
Rating (0-10): 9.5
Recomendations: I'd say it's easily the best comic-book adaptation I've ever seen. Not to be missed.
Thoughts: I thought it was good. I don't have any background in the comic or the mythology involving the filiming. Aside from a random Stone Temple Pilot song it is not readbly datable which is one of my largest pet peeves about any movie.
I liked the devolopment of the carchter throughout the film. At the beginning he was quiet and withdrawn acting more like a zombie then a hero. But by the end he had regained many of his mannerisms he had during life.
Rating (0-10): 7.5
Recomendations: It was good. Definatly worth seeing. Some sort of bird or halloween themed night would be good.
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