Movie #1 - Donnie Darko
Title: Donnie Darko
Director: Richard Kelly
Release Year: 2001
Plot Summary: A high school student, Donnie Darko, sees visions of a six foot tall demonic bunny, Frank, that tells him the world is going to end in 28 days. Frank then leads Donnie through that month, right up until the totally confusing climax.
Thoughts: Very well put together. Leaves enough clues that many different options are possible, prompting debates on the various angles. It is the debates that go on afterwards that make this movie so enjoyable.
Rating (0-10): 8.5
Recomendations: For those who like an open-ended film that acctually requires thought.
oh, i hate this movie.
seriously. drunk, sober, otherwise... i just don't get the whole time travel thing.
*Sign of the cross in your general direction*
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