Movie #16 - The Sum of All Fears
Title: The Sum of All Fears
Director: Phil Alden Robinson
Release Year: 2002
Plot Summary: The United States and Russia are set on course to war by neo-nazis who want to see the rise of facism. A CIA agent, John Ryan, figures out the entire plot and manages to stop the impending war.
Thoughts: Once again my taste for the end of the world was tempted by this film. The two largest nuclear powers in the world facing off is just tickles my fancy. Now The Sum of All Fears is another in a long series of movies that feature Jack Ryan, and I honestly think that Alec Baldwin and Harrison Ford were MUCH better at the part then Ben Affleck. I thought the plot was well thought out and I was impressed that they acctually let one of the bombs go off. All too often we cut the blue wire right in the nick of time. Well in this case there no one ever saw it except the bad guys, until it exploded then everyone saw that cloud.
Now normaly when I see a movie when we're brought to the brink of war and for whatever reason we are saved I feel very unsatisfied. But I found the conclulsion of this film very satisfying nontheless.
Rating (0-10): 7.0
Recomendations: It wasn't anyhting spactatcular but leaves a satisfying feeling when you're done, so if you've got a rainy day go for it. :)
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