Movie #14 - Transformers: the Movie
Title: Transformers: the Movie
Director: Nelson Shin
Release Year: 1986
Plot Summary: The Autobots must stop a colossal planet-consuming robot who is after the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
Thoughts: It's classic, it's epic, and I love it. Animation-wise, I think TF:TM is easily on par with anything on television today, and I dare anyone to disagree. The music may be 80's cheesy, but it fits perfectly - and it's a damn shame no-one has ever heard of Stan Bush unless they're a Transformers fan...
I just noticed in this viewing, however, how much of an epileptic's nightmare this movie really is. ;)
The live-action film coming out has a helluva lot to live up to...
Rating (0-10): 9
Recomendations: If you're a Transformers fan, you can't not see this film. I think it stands alone, but I'm hardly unbiased. ;)
Thoughts: The only thing this movie has going for it was the fact that I am basing it on 1986 standards and not 2005 standards.
There are just too many pop-culture hooks, thrown in to try and sell this film to the masses (particularly children). From robots that only speak in TV snippits, to a soundtrack that was more likely tape of a 13 year olds favorate songs then anything else.
It reinforced stereotypes with the one chick robot being a total mothering figure. Robots that wern't obviously represenitive of American culture (Autobots & Decipticons) were depicted as backwards or without morals (the quinticons, junk robots).
If you wern't hooked by the obvious roles and ploys in this film as a child then chances are quite high that you will have no care for it at all.
Rating (0-10): 2.5
Recomendations: See it so you can say you did when people ask. It's a good converstation piece when looking back on "childhood" memories. Or at least see it so you know what not to do when making an animated film. I'd have to say that, no, the new live action film does not have much to live up to. I don't realy see how it could possibly do worse. But hey there was a scooby doo movie too wasn't there.
Well, yeah, it was nothing but a commercial. I doubt even the most hardcore fan-freak will bother to deny that one. ;)
Honestly, I think the best thing about the film is Unicron - he's just a "holy shit" kinda character. They could have made the planet-to-robot transformation the entire movie, and I think I'd have been content.
No. Unicron was too oversized and completly unrealistic and unbelivable. That was just another minus. Whatever. Pishhhhhaww!!
"[O]versized and completly unrealistic and unbelivable"? You do realize it's a movie about giant alien war robots that turn into vehicles and speak English, right? ;)
Hah, you call that a fight? I make compelling, thought-provoking statements on the nature of cinema and existence in general, and he responds with "oh yeah, you're a doody-head!" =P
Seriously, all in fun, kids. =)
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