Movie # 19 - Exorcist - The Beginning
Title: Exorcist: The Beginning
Director: Renny Harlin
Release Year: 2004
Plot Summary: The story of how Father Lancaster Merrin fights the devil as well as his own lack of faith in order to save an innocent who became possessed.
Thoughts: I thought it tied together nicely to the first Exorcist. There were a few possible plot holes. Why did they say 5 AD at the beginning and 500AD later? Why were so many who were close to the possesse affected so strongly as opposed to the orginal film where it was only the little girl? My big pet peeve though was the use of CGI. I mean really if you're going to do a shot flying over Cairo, then fly over Cairo, don't CGI it. :-P
Rating (0-10): 6.5
Recomendations: Worth seeing but wouldn't pay more then 9.99 for it.
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