Movie #36 -- Orgazmo
Title: Orgazmo
Director: Trey Parker
Release Year: 1997
Plot Summary: A naive Mormon named Joe Young (writer/director Trey Parker) is tricked/hired to be the star of the adult/action film "Orgazmo".
Thoughts: Despite the fact that this movie is quite what one might expect from the creators of 'South Park', it still has it's moments. Sure, the directing is terrible and the acting isn't much better, but it is funny nonetheless. I am wholy convinced that had this movie been released, say, last summer, it would have been quite the box-office hit, simply because of the hordes of 'South Park' fans in the world. Quotable, if you have no problem dropping the 'f-bomb'.
Rating (0-10): 6.3569
Recomendations: Worth seeing to be able to throw some new quotes into your repetoire. For fans of 'BASEketball' and 'Team America: World Police'. Don't let your kids watch it, though. Ever.
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