Saturday, April 02, 2005

Movie #40 -- Sin City

Title: Sin City

Director: Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino

Release Year: 2005

Plot Summary: Four different storylines told via flim noir kinda converge in Sin City: where "if you walk down the right alley, you can find anything."

Thoughts: Wow. Based on co-director Frank Miller's comic (nee: pulp reading) of the same name, this is the most stylish film that I've seen since Pulp Fiction, and that's saying something. Actually, this reminds me, in more ways than one of co-director Tarantino's other work -- the non-linear storyline, the dialogue, the visuals, etc...

The only complaint that I have with this movie is that you're not terribly sure how the four different storylines are converging. Taking each story on it's own and not trying to weave them altogether while viewing the film (at least for the first time) is probably the best way to go, otherwise one would run the risk of overthinking this movie.

At any rate, this movie will terribly polarize people: you'll either think that it's utterly horrible and pointless or dumbfoundingly brilliant. I chose the latter.

Rating (0-10): 8.75

Recomendations: If you like Pulp Fiction, either Kill Bill, Desperado, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, or film noir, I would go see this immediately. If you don't like the aforementioned films or the genre, I would avoid this because you'll probably be bored to tears.


At 2:49 AM, Blogger Craig said...

Ah, you beat me to it. I've been meaning to write this since Thursday.

Anywho, I'd say that I didn't care for the Marv story; the Dwight story was pretty good; and I really liked the Hartigan story. So overall, it averaged out to "quite good."

*Note: I posted this once, but it never showed up on the main page. Wtf?

At 1:18 AM, Blogger Brazedowl said...

Quick! I does anyone need any revenging?? I feel like killing!! In the name of somthing that in my eyes is good!! And I will have semi-supernatural powers!!!


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