Movie #81 - Maverick
Title: Maverick
Director: Richard Donner
Release Year: 1994
Plot Summary: Bret Maverick, needing money for a poker tournament, faces various comic mishaps and challenges, including a charming woman thief.
Thoughts: I don't watch too many Westerns, but I certainly have a soft spot in my heart for this one. It's laugh-out-loud funny in many places, and all of the actors do a fabulous job with their characters. (Alfred Molina is the Mexican! Who knew?!)
I also love the way the movie twists and turns so many times in the end, but all of the twists work so well that you really don't mind when everything you thought you knew is proven wrong yet again. ;)
Rating (0-10): 8
Recomendations: It's either this or Blazing Saddles - and honestly, as much as I love Gene Wilder, I have to give Maverick the edge.
Boo! Hiss! I couldn't stand this movie. I thought the charchters, plot and everything else about this movie was WAY below the calibar nessicary for the actors/acresses involved.
Drew Rating: 2.3
A perfect example of why, exactly, you are a poo-head. :P
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