Friday, July 01, 2005

Movie #86 - War of the Worlds

Title: War of the Worlds

Director: Steven Spielberg

Release Year: 2005

Plot Summary: Aliens (Martians?) plan to take over the Earth. Presumably before the existance of humans. They for the most part succeed then die.

Thoughts: I 100% support and loved how well it followed the book. The voice over at the beginning and end were perfect. I don't think there was any other way the story could have ended without sounding repeating things that have been done a thousand times. I mean come on the book was written in 1898; you cannot hold it to 2005 standards. It's just not possible.

Now for the Quirks (one of which Rob noticed first so I hope he dosn't mind me mentioning it):

1) The Electromagnetic Pulse that shuts down all electronics.... except the picture camera and palm camera people were using to document the Aliens killing people moments after they emerged.

2) His son survived?? I mean really.

3) Boston is apparently immune to Alien lazer attacks? (Yes I meant Lazer)

4) They planned for "millions of years" but apparently didn't notice microbes while burying GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS under the ground.

Feel free to post more quirks. It'll be FUN *says fun like Strongbad says fun in "I make drawing FUN"*

Rating (0-10): 8 (What? I still liked it. :P )

Recomendations: If you're in the mood for somthing relatively... primitive?


At 6:13 PM, Blogger Omar McTrigger said...

oh! and the birds landing on the robots at the end. that pissed me off, too!

the first, say, hour and a half of this movie is fantastic. the last twenty minutes suck.

there are plot holes all over the place (how exactly does the son survive?) and tim robbins waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overdoes his character. and the thing with tom cruise and the grenades at the end? c'mon.

as far as big, dumb summer movies, you could do so much better (pirates of the caribbean, jurassic park, spider-man 2, etc...) and you could do so much worse (the day after tomorrow, alien vs. predator, etc...). i just expected more out of steven speilberg with the ending, is all. it really griped me.

first hour and a half: 8.75
last twenty minutes: 3.0
overall: 5.75

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Craig said...

As for microbes, they evolve far more rapidly than anything else on the planet. The germs that killed the aliens quite simply wouldn't have been around back then.

That said - in the book, the Martians just sort of haphazardly invaded with no previous "expeditions" involved. Also, mention was made that their civilization had eradicated disease, so they didn't even think about it. Made more sense, really.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Brazedowl said...

But even if the bugs evololved they would have at least noticed the existance of such things and come up with some sort of protection, evolution or no. :-P

Or maybe they WANTED to lose so we'd get a false sense of security and in WOWII we're REALLY done for. :)


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