Movie #110 - My Little Pony: the Movie
Title: My Little Pony: the Movie
Director: Michael Joens
Release Year: 1986
Plot Summary: While the ponies enjoy their festive spring party, the evil witch Hydia is up in her gloomy home, the Volcano of Doom, plotting to turn Ponyland into a wasteland. When her first attempt fails, she decides to cover Ponyland with a purple ooze called the "Smooze". It looks like the end of Ponyland, unless all the magical creatures of Dream Valley answer the Ponies' call for help!
Thoughts: My only defense is that we were having an Ooze Night. Although the Smooze is pretty cool.
"Nothing can stop the Smoooooooze!"
Rating (0-10): 5
Recommendations: Um.... yeah. :P
Well, yeah. It'd be lower, but the Smooze itself is worth all 5. :P
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