Movie #118 - Capote
Title: Capote
Director: Bennett Miller
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: During his research for his book In Cold Blood, an account of the murder of a Kansas family, Truman Capote develops a close relationship with Perry Smith, one of the killers.
Thoughts: I've long been a fan of Philip Seymour Hoffman, and this movie really exemplifies why. I didn't really know much of anything about Truman Capote going into the film, but I came away feeling like I really had a handle on who the guy was and what motivated him in his writing and his life. Now, this is Hollywood, and so this might be a completely false impression of the "true" man; but still, Hoffman's portrayal is nothing short of extraordinary.
As for the story itself - I really don't know what to think of it, and I mean that in the most positive light possible. We, like Capote, are shown two killers who are also real people, and it really is nearly impossible to reconcile the two viewpoints. I mean, how do you do it? I don't know. And it's a powerful question.
Rating (0-10): 8
Recommendations: A challenging film, but I think one of the best this year. Greatly worth seeing, and I've a feeling it's going to be winning awards.
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