Movie #121 - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Title: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Director: Andrew Adamson
Release Year: 2005
Plot Summary: Four children travel through a wardrobe to the land of Narnia...
Thoughts: Great film. This is probably the most faithful adaptation of a book I've ever seen - it's not word- and scene-perfect by any means, but it still manages to feel like it is, which is quite an impressive feat. Beautifully filmed and scored, great cast all around.
Rating (0-10): 9.3
Recommendations: I'd say this is the movie to see with your family this holiday season. But then, I've not seen King Kong yet.
this movie was a MASSIVE disappointment...
awful CGI, the two oldest pevensie children could NOT act (especially peter whom they turned into a whining, snivley bitch), and the sets often looked like they were set up in someone's backyard (the scenes where the children meet santa claus and any scene involving the white witch's castle come to mind). and, in the midst of this quick moving 140 minute movie is a 200 minute movie just waiting to break out.
all that being said, i think that Tilda Swinton as the white witch was PERFECT and liam neeson did an awesome job voicing aslan. msiter tumnus was well done, too.
that's still not enough to redeem this film. having grown up with lewis' works, the narnia presented on screen was not nearly as vivid as the one in my head. oh, well...
the dom's rating = 6.5
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