Movie #145 -- Godzilla
Title: Godzilla
Director: Roland Emmerich
Release Year: 1998
Plot Summary: Godzilla visits New York, hangs out, gets his picture taken, eats Sushi, hides in the sewers... you know... what any good Asian tourist in NYC would do.
Thoughts: I didn't watch this movie until a few weeks ago. I remember 8 years ago when this movie came out and there were ads for it all over the place: on the side of buses that read "his foot is as big as this bus" for instance. I remember that Taco Bell had a massive ad campaign for this, too.
Only now do I realize what I was missing. Forget X-men 3 or either of the Jurassic Park sequels in terms of crappiness... THIS is the movie that sets the standard for big-budget films gone horrible, horribly wrong.
Hit (The Patriot, Independence Day) and Miss (The Day After Tomorrow, Universal Soldier) director Roland Emmerich released a bomb of a film with this one. Screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rosio (who's work is usually MONEY -- Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek, Aladdin, etc...) blew it huge on this one. Even Matthew Broderick (whom I usually like) can't save this one. Of course, he's forever doomed to be Ferris Bueller. And Maria Pittilo is AWFUL. The lone bright spot of this movie is Hank Azaria. Of course, I feel bad for him in this flick, though.
Rating (0-10): Oh, God... 2.8
Recommendations: To quote Terry Zwigoff's Ghost World: "This is so bad it's good and then back to bad again." I recommend that you not watch this movie, basically.
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