Monday, September 25, 2006

Movie #152 - The Last Kiss

Title: The Last Kiss

Director: Tony Goldwyn

Release Year: 2006

Plot Summary: A group of 30-year-olds struggle to adapt to adulthood while their aging parents face middle age. (Gods, that's a horrible summary. I'll do better next time, promise.)

Thoughts: At least from the previews this seemed like a fairly linear story, but it ended up being (more or less) the stories of four old school buddies who all hit that point of their lives where you think "where the hell do I go from here?" The annoying part is that we are left with the "main" Zach Braff story and a handful of "auxiliary" stories, and the mixture is just way off. They should have either focused more on the main story, or fleshed out the rest of the stories more. All in all, I wasn't terribly impressed.

Recommendations: It was alright, but it was no Garden State. Honestly I'm not sure I could really "recommend" it per se, but I wouldn't warn anyone away from it either.

"What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you say you love thats what matters. That's the only thing that counts."


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