Movie #169 - Shrek the Third
Title: Shrek the Third
Director: Chris Miller & Raman Hui
Release Year: 2007
Plot Summary: When his new father-in-law, King Harold falls ill, Shrek is looked at as the heir to the land of Far, Far Away. Not one to give up his beloved swamp, Shrek recruits his friends Donkey and Puss in Boots to install the rebellious Artie as the new king. Princess Fiona, however, rallies a band of royal girlfriends to fend off a coup d'etat by the jilted Prince Charming.
Thoughts: A resounding "meh." The story was dull, the new characters were flat and uninteresting, ninety percent of the jokes weren't funny. And I say that as someone who friggin' loved Shrek 2.
I guess there were a few plusses. The baby dronkeys, f'rinstance. One or two jokes. But I think the most telling part is that, throughout the movie, I was consistently more excited about the musical choices than I was about what was going on in the plot.
Recommendations: Just pretend Shrek 2 was the last one in the series. You'll be better off, honestly.
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