Monday, February 28, 2005

Movie #7 - Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Title: Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Director: Danny Leiner

Release Year: 2004

Plot Summary: Asian guy and Indian guy smoke pot and get the munchies. They proceed on an adventure to find white castle.

Thoughts: So I thought it would be super stupid baised on the previews but this was not the case. This was suprisingly smart and pointed out a number of social norms that, in short, shouldn't be. The only downside was a tidge too much of the gutter humor.

Rating (0-10): 7

Recomendations: Entertaining. Not for young kids cause of the sex humor but otheriwse worth watching.

Movie #6 - Druids

Title: Druids

AKA: Vercingétorix

Director: Jacques Dorfmann

Release Year: 2001

Plot Summary: Man unites his people in order to force out the Romans. They fail.

Thoughts: Ok the Druids are like a minor side deal. This is really Braveheart but with Gaulls and Romans instead of Scotts and English. Oh, and it was poorly edited and had a horrible score.

Rating (0-10): 2

Recomendations: If you like comparing good movies (Breaveheart) to bad movies (Druids) then have a ball!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Movie #5 - Bad Company

Title: Bad Company

Director: Damian Harris

Release Year: 1995

Plot Summary: Federal agent joins a private group of blackmailers in order to expose them and make some cash.

Thoughts: The plot was so convoluted and carried so many different twists that it became difficult to follow. As soon as you feel that you've got a grasp on the charchters they do somthing that completly defys what you had thought they would do. In many movies this is good, but it was done very poorly in this film.

Rating (0-10): 4.5

Recomendations: Don't see it, but if you do and it makes better sense to you let me know.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Movie #4 - Shaun of the Dead

Title: Shaun of the Dead

Director: Edgar Wright

Release Year: 2004

Plot Summary: Man fights off hordes of exceptionally slow zombies to rescue his ex-girlfriend.

Thoughts: first off it's funny as hell. Secondly I only noticed the cheap shots at 28 days later. I have procured Dawn of the Dead and will look for other things, but I may have to visit classics such as Night of the Living Dead and whatnot

Rating (0-10): 8.0

Recomendations: If you like a movie that doesn't make lots of logical sence and just makes fun of already existing movies then this is for you. The Spaceballs of zombie movies, but British.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Movie #3 - Lawrence of Arabia

Title: Lawernce of Arabia

Director: David Lean

Release Year: 1962

Plot Summary: A gentelman of the Brittish army helps lead the Arabs out of Turkish rule durning World War I.

Thoughts: This movie was VERY well produced. I would never have placed it at being made in 1962. The acting is convincing and at times moving. I was very impressed. Not to mention that good 'ole Obi Wan is an Arab Prince.

Rating (0-10): 9

Recomendations: Don't start this one after 8pm because you'll never finish it. Rent it! Go!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Movie #2 - Aliens

Title: Aliens

AKA: Alien II

Director: James Cameron

Release Year: 1986

Plot Summary: Ripley is sent back to face the Aliens with a squad of mariens. Aliens kick ass. Ripley and two others run away.

Thoughts: Moved along much more smoothly then the Alien. Overall a very good sequal, worthy of the franchise.

Rating (0-10): 8

Recomendations: If you've seen Alien then you need to see the sequal. Plus it's a major part of popular culture so I recomend seeing at least the first two.

Movie #1 - Donnie Darko

Title: Donnie Darko

Director: Richard Kelly

Release Year: 2001

Plot Summary: A high school student, Donnie Darko, sees visions of a six foot tall demonic bunny, Frank, that tells him the world is going to end in 28 days. Frank then leads Donnie through that month, right up until the totally confusing climax.

Thoughts: Very well put together. Leaves enough clues that many different options are possible, prompting debates on the various angles. It is the debates that go on afterwards that make this movie so enjoyable.

Rating (0-10): 8.5

Recomendations: For those who like an open-ended film that acctually requires thought.

Rules Ver. 1.2

Some posting rules so we don't have total crazyness.

"Tthe code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules."

1) For now lets try to keep the posts numbered. This could change if I get complaints.

2) Post reviews only for movies that do not have a review. I will delete these. If you have somthing to say about movies that have already been reviewed then post a comment to those reviews.

3) Try to review movies as you see them. This way your thoughts are fresh in your mind. Try to stay away from "a month ago I saw...". If really really need to post an old review and can't rewatch the movie, make it clear that you haven't seen it in quite a while.

4) Use the posting template. It's your friend. :)