Movie #161 - The Invisible
Title: The Invisible
Director: David Goyer
Release Year: 2007
Plot Summary: Two young teens' real selves are invisible to others, one due to his untimely (near-)death and the other due to the neglect she's endured since the death of her mother.
Thoughts: Meh. I have to admit, at first I thought it was going to be better than I was anticipating... but it was just mediocre all around. Margarita Levieva did a great job as Annie, I must admit - but Justin Chatwin as Nick... I spent at least half of the movie trying to figure out if he was attempting to have or hide a Southern accent, because there really wasn't anything in his acting to keep my interest. As for the story - nope, no original thought there either. Sigh.
Recommendations: Just watch Ghost instead. It's got shadow-demons and Demi Moore. This one's just got whiny rich kids.